Shinjuku street scene

Tokyo in black and white pt. 1


A week in Tokyo with a new camera – there’s lots to see, plenty to do and an entire world of interesting food to eat.


I’m hoping to get to the food posting shortly, but we only have three days left before the great trek back to Cape Town, so we’re making the best of it. In the meantime, enjoy this small sample of the images I’m bringing back with me.


More soon. Promise.


Level crossing, Yoyogi

Level crossing, Yoyogi


Meiji Temple

Meiji Temple


Yoyogi bar

Yoyogi bar


Yoyogi bar

Yoyogi bar


Shinjuku street scene

Shinjuku street scene


Didn't make it home

Didn’t make it home


Well fed, tired in Shinjuku

Well fed, tired in Shinjuku